- M A R Y A M -
www.puramaryam.de / Berlin, Germany
Alphabetical Register
Index of all Pages
A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Calamity of the world/The 7 Evils of Mankind
Catarina di Medici/my incarnation
Catarina di Medici/Reincarnation
Cause and Effect/Cosmic LAW of C.
Cell memory/clearing the cells from memories of addiction etc.
Cells/ clearing the cells from poison and contamination
Chalice/=Holy grail, GRACE
Chakra,4./heart-ch./The wonders and abilities of the heart-chakra
Chakra-Pulsation/Seminar to learn the C.
Chakras/the Chakras of Man
Chakras/ how my chakras turned back into their original spheric shape
Channeling of Jesus/the true meaning of Good Friday and Easter
Channeling of Jesus/Message for Easter 2004
Chocolate/negative effect on our aura
CHRIST/CHRIST is leading the lost souls to LIGHT
CHRIST/is offering us Enlightenment
Christmas/the First Christmas Night (as told by MAITREYA)
Christmas/The Birth of Jesus (as told by MAITREYA)
Christmas/Feel the Spirit of the First Christmas in your Heart (instructions)
Christmas/more about the meaning
Christmas/Interview with Jesus
Christmas/like we are celebrating it
Christmas/There really is a SANTA CLAUS!
Christmas/How to feel the Magic of Christmas in your Heart (instructions)
Christmas Songs
Christmas of the dwarves/= Celebration of Creation
Christmas Instructions/Suggestions for wonderful suggestions
Cleanliness/Quality of Unconditional LOVE
Clearing/of the aura from lost souls e.a.beings... my offer
Clearing/of the aura from manipulation e.a.darkness...my offer
Clearing/of the aura with LIGHT and LOVE...my offer
Clearing/with LIGHT Cone and  LIGHT Column
Clearing/Net Pattern of Energetic Clearing of Body-Mind-Soul
Clearing and Healing by GRACE
Cleopatra/my incarnation
Cleverness/Quality of Unconditional LOVE
Closing of the Heart/The 7 Bonds of Mankind
Coffee/negative effect on our aura
COGNITION/Instant Cognition (by Spiritual Perception)
Coldness of heart/Vices of Mankind
Coldness of the world/The 7 Evils of Mankind
Colors of the Aura
Column of LIGHT
Communism and Spirituality
Compare vibrational frequencies (qualities)/with the heart chakra
Compare feelings/with the heart chakra
Comparison/of the vibrations of Berlin with other cities
Compassion/Quality of Unconditional LOVE
Conception/Immaculate Conception
Conception of Spirit
Conditions for Teaching LIGHTWORK
Conditions for Teaching Unconditional LOVE
Cone of LIGHT
Confusion/Vices of Mankind
Conjunction of Venus and Sun/(Venustransit) on 6-8-2004
Consequences/of the formative Power Fields of Darkness
Constellation of Planets/Star of CHRIST 11-8 until 11-23-03
Contributions and Costs/about the cost of my seminars e.a.
Control about others/Vices of Mankind
Controlling myself/Vices of Mankind
Coronation/vision of C.of Queen of Heaven
Correponcence or Analogy/Cosmic Law of C. 
Cosmic LAW of Cause and Effect
Cosmic Law of Correponcence or Analogy
Cosmic Law of Harmony and Balance
Cosmic Law of Polarity and Sexuality
Cosmic Law of Resonance
Cosmic Law of Rhythm and Vibration
Cosmic Law of Spirit (Mind)
Cosmic Laws of Hermes Trismegistos (Thot)

COSMIC MARIA/HER Message to Mankind
COSMIC MARIA/Her Message for Easter
Costs and Contributions/about the cost of my seminars e.a.
Courage/Quality of Unconditional LOVE
Cowardice/Vices of Mankind
Craving for Recognition/Vices of Mankind
Craving for Sex/Vices of Mankind
Creativity/Quality of Unconditional LOVE
Cross/Jesus did not die at the cross
Crown/Symbol of Rule of the Realms of Dwarves
Crown/ The Great King of the Dwarves offered me a crown
Crowning/vision of C.of Queen of Heaven
Crucifixion/Jesus survived the Crucifixion
Curses/Neutralization of all curses by Symbolic Action
Customs of Easter